Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What you talkin' bout Willis!

So I am telling my age with my Must See TV line-up; Different Strokes and Facts of Life.  Who doesn't remember, What you talkin' bout Willis?

If you remember, Arnold usually said that to his brother when he was asked to do something he really didn't want to do, but I tend to use it when my husband asks me that random question in the middle of total chaos.  For example, it's Halloween day, people are coming to the house for dinner and Trick or Treat, he's spent the day mountain biking.  I've spent the day cleaning, cooking, entertaining a four-year-old, and riding the seven-year-old to get his homework done.  Halloween festivities start at 5:00 in our neighborhood - at 3:30 he's eating "lunch" I'm carving a pumpkin and still need to get two boys into costumes and myself into the shower.  That's when he chooses to ask me what I found out about changing insurance.

What you talking about Willis!!

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