Sunday, June 13, 2010

Doth the lady protest too much?

So after 10 months on the Library's list I finally get a copy of the book, The Help. I am so excited! I got it on Friday and it is Sunday and I am on Chapter 22.

Since I am no longer in a book club I have been living vicariously through my sister and friends and what they are reading. The problem is by the time they give me a few title and I get them from the library, no ones talking about them anymore, but me. But this book still seems to be causing a buzz.

Maybe it is one of those books, like The Kite Runner or The Boy in the Striped Pajamas that tend to touch people on a deeper level. There are books that we read for book club, books we take to the beach, classic we feel we must read but I think the importance of any book is discussing it with others. I don't know how many times when I was in a book club, right after my first son was born, I struggled to get through a book by the third Thursday of the month. Sometimes I did, sometimes I did not. It was always when it was a struggle that I found discussion at book club not less important, but enticing. I would leave saying, now I have to finish this book!

One book in particular comes to mind, Memoirs of a Giesha. I struggled with that book, it felt like Senior English Lit all over again, Yuck! Then I got to book club and someone mentioned it was written by a man. Why hadn't I noticed that? Is he totally gay? How does he get such accurate details of the clothes, of make-up, of women. Then there was the night we discussed The Kite Runner. That book totally changed my life at the time. I quit a job I hated with a boss from hell because of it, and one woman said she found if trite. WHAT!

I love to read and I am devouring The Help like so many great book that I have fallen upon lately, but what I am really dying for, is the discussion. Anyone?

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