Thursday, November 20, 2014

Homework anyone?

At least once a week I get a phone call or text from someone asking if we have tonight's homework.
"Can you take a picture and text it to me" or "Can you scan and email it to us".  If we are not sharing we are doing the searching. And then finally when we are not sharing or searching, we are complaining.
"I didn't hear her say do the back of the worksheet! It wasn't on Schoology - I wasn't the only one".

What is going on?!  This is public school - they can't beat the children for missing assignments like the nuns of my day.  Why are we all so terrified of not getting homework done? I understand the kids being upset....we've already been down that rode this year.  The teachers are taking away recess.

For a school that uses the Love and Logic discipline model - how does taking recess away show consequences for not having your homework? Just sounds old school to me.  The nuns either beat us up, sent us to confession, or took away recess. 

There are no letter grades until fourth year, but there is plenty of testing.  Third graders take three different standardized test. Fall and Spring.  What are third graders getting done besides test prep, test taking, or test reviewing? That's not stressful.

Do we have the wrong theory on successful schools?  Those with great test scores and lots of homework are making the best students? The best citizens? Are we really preparing our children for the Twenty First Century? Maybe we are holding on too tight to how things used to be.

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