Sunday, May 17, 2020

Family Quarantine Grade - F

As my teenagers rush their online school year to an end I am in a grading mood. My grade for this family during lock down - an F.  What, you might ask, is my grading criteria?

#1. What have you done for someone else, who couldn't do anything for you?
If I had just said what have you done for someone else I have at least one boy that would say "Remember that day I emptied the dishwasher for you?" Like it wasn't his dirty dishes in there in the first place.

#2 What new skill or thing have you learned to do, that you didn't know before.
With all this time off we should have been able to at least learn how to make our own lunch for goodness sake if not learn Greek from my husband's awesome Greek lessons. (Just a subtle hint of sarcasm as we have been working on learning Greek for 20 years)

#3 What have you finally finished or accomplished something you have been putting off?
OK to be fair, this one is really for my husband who has been technically unemployed since this started and still does not have the deck painted, the yard mulches, or the boys rooms painted. But it was not my list! It was his, he just hasn't gotten to it yet.

#4 How have you treated other when you were frustrated, angry, depressed?
I added this one after meltdown number 10 by 9 am on Saturday morning.  When we start the day with comments like "You chew to loud!" and "I can hear you breathing!" that is when everyone (mostly me because those were just my comments) must get out of the house. And not just to walk around the block - AGAIN.

I mean I don't want to rush reopening, I just want my family to get out of the house for an extended period of time so that when they return they remember to be grateful.  It doesn't have to be the movies or even an Soccer game - maybe they could help out somewhere? Like picking up trash along 50 or so miles of highway?! Yeah!

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