Saturday, January 4, 2020

A Look Way Back - A New Year

It's that time again, another year come and almost gone.  I can not ever remember a time in my life that new year's eve didn't kick me right in the gut.  The difference since I have had children is that each year is bitter sweet.  Watching them grow, wondering what the year will hold - reminiscing about the year behind.

The difference this year, is that everyone in my house seems to be feeling it.  At some point in the last week both of the boys have said something to me about how fast the year has gone.
I would like to tell you both that it gets better, but it does not.  The older you get the faster the year seems to go by. That is why it is so important to learn now, the younger the better, to enjoy the moments. Anyone who loves me knows that I love a good quote. And a good quote for this is:

Life isn't measured by the number of breathes that you take, but the moments that take your breathe away.

There is no time like the present to start helping them learn what I am struggling with at almost 50 year old.  Be in the moment, it maybe the only moment like this that you get.

I do not know that 2018 was anymore or less extraordinary than any other year but it was the year that....
My oldest made the Varsity soccer team and they went to the Elite Eight in tournament competition
My youngest has grown more in this year than in any other year of his life
My oldest son turned 16 and took his first AP class
My youngest started Junior High

I started this post and didn't finish it asking the boys to sit down with me to re-cap the year....hence why it was never finished. Maybe we will try again this year? Or maybe seeing it will make us all add out own thoughts.

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