Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What a day!

So I started off the day - only the second since spring break mind you - getting everyone out the door including myself. (Which was not easy) But not after turning on the computer and sending 3 emails in 6 minutes none of which were about me. 
Then I head to the school for 3 hours of library duty, along with Garden committee work to finish, then pick up the Kindergartner and head to the Public Library where all our books are now overdue.  After that it was home for lunch, review and send the taxes, finish my husbands receipts so that he can get paid, answer more emails and take the kindergartner with for a mad dash through the grocery store because all the other adults in my house are napping. 
Return home to put groceries away, write a note to the third grader threatening him with future imprisonment should he not get his homework done before he turns the TV on and zip back to school to catch librarian before she leave because I need a document off her computer and attend a 3:45 meeting. 
Home at 5:00 where dinner is made, children are safe, and homework is done. Nice! for about three minutes until I order the TV off, then ask "How was your day" to which the third grader melts into tears.  Recess is once again the bane of his existence so we spend 45 minutes trying to solve the problem with the help of the kindergartner because HE KNOWS EVERYTHING. Just ask him. Including why the refrigerator is spouting water like the fountain downtown.
That's when I send them outside to play and make a few phone calls to see if I can take care of part of the recess issue while sopping up water.  The Kindergartner sneaks in seeing that I am on the phone and cleaning up water and takes the opportunity to score apple juice without asking which he ends up dropping breaking the cap and spilling a half gallon of apple juice on the floor.
That's when I finally decide to open the bottle of wine that I bought for Easter and the cork won't come out.
I go down to the neighbor's house and when she opens the door I just show her the bottle, she got the cork unstuck and shoved a straw in the bottle.
Good Night.

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