Friday, December 9, 2011

Nurture vs Porn

My husband and I watched Crazy Stupid Love the other night.  After the movie I was thinking what I needed was a snuggle and time to process the subject matter - my husband thought he needed sex.  Really?? That's not even in the same book - let alone my page!

How is it that men can think about sex every second of everyday about everything.  My back hurts...I can make your back hurt baby.  The tires need rotated....I can rotate your tires.  He wants his dad...Who's your Daddy.  My water just broke....I can STOP

Well, you get where I'm going with this anyway.  Do I not understand because I am a woman, or do I not understand because I never think about sex.  I'll take that back, I think about it every Sunday about 4 p.m. when my husband starts turning everything I say into a come-on and making weird goo goo eyes at me.  Then I think - Oh Shut the front door! Is it Sunday again already?

I have been complaining for years that one man couldn't get it up and I have to sit through a three minute erectile dysfunction commercial every 15 minutes during Modern Family.  But I ask for help and the answer is "Just do it anyway, maybe you'll get into it."  Yes, ladies it was a male Doctor, and he no longer has the use of that testicle.  Let him explain that to his wife!

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