Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Who really needs Drivers Education??!

 Do you want to know the truly horrible part of teaching a teenager to drive?

YOU Assholes!

I refuse to put a permanent bumper sticker on my car that says STUDENT DRIVER. Because like Baby On Board one day he will not be a student driver and also he's using My Car! Most importantly, is that going to make any of you less of an asshole??

He is driving the speed limit, coming to a complete stop at a stop sign, waiting for a light to actually turn green and then checking for red light runners so as not to get t-boned, stopping for pedestrians in crosswalks, yielding for oncoming traffic, etc. In so many words - He is following the damn rules. And what does he get for it?

Honked at, cussed at, flipped off, tailgated, passed in intersections, and passed in neighborhoods not to mention a two lane road with no shoulder. I have never been more tempted to get a dash cam in my life and put your cars, license plates, and faces all over the internet. What is wrong with you people? Who should really have to pay $800 for Drivers Education - my 16 year-old? Or Assholes?

Personally, I think a better use of police patrol time would just be to write tickets to Assholes and when you get to 10 you have to pay $800 and go back to Driver's Education. If you get to 20 you go to Anger Management and you get a special color licensee plate. If you continue to get Asshole tickets you get the Scarlet Letter - a bright flashing A for your car so everyone else knows what to expect. Stay away from them! They are an Asshole.

I get very frustrated and fired up when it comes to having to police people into kindness. We are all in this together. Kindness doesn't cost anything - unless you refuse to use it. Because the cost of riding on my son's ass every time he drives is that you are creating a cynical, frustrated, angry driver. YEAH!! Just what you really wanted more of on the road right Asshole?! Drivers like you.....

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