Thursday, November 11, 2021

What a day!

For anyone with teenagers, you know how few days are - WOW! Today was one of those rare days for my youngest son. He got in the car and said - Wait till you hear about today. I held my breath for the first few minutes but it wasn't one of those days....

His day started with a power outage. OK, simple snag, right. Just getting started, next the fire alarms go off, not just once but several times leaving everyone outside for 45 minutes. The power outage did not just turn out the lights, it also blew powers strips and other items. (Uh oh) The bigger issue, whatever it was that blew up at the Elementary school across the lot sent the kids and teachers running. (so to speak) After alerting the little ones parents, they brought the remaining students over to the High School where the generators finally kicked in. They didn't have all their lights, internet, etc. But they could run the cafeteria and that's all the school district needs to keep them at school. (not the high point for my teenager) However, he was stupefied that while running on generators the cafeteria managed to make the best lunch yet.

The schedule was already modified today to accommodate presentations for all the 10th grade. The morning craziness just added to the overall destruction of a productive day. He talked more about all the people he hung out with during the fire alarm, who he talked with during the presentation, lunch on the fly, and getting the scoop during his study hall which he spends helping run passes in the counselors office. 

What is the WOW part - my son talking animatedly all the way home. He didn't grump, growl, or snark at me. He didn't get on his phone. This is truly a gift to the parent of a teenager. Several minutes of respite from being the stupidest person on earth. A glimpse back to the wide-eyed little one that wanted to tell you all about their day. A moment to remember and yet look forward because as long as these days seem, they will not last forever.

Here's to a Crazy Day!!

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