Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Am I in Trouble?

I've been trying to consciously keep better track of my kids funny moments so that I can jot them down. It's not easy when we are this damn busy running around. But I found one!

This fall my husband was out of town so I was the only option to work "our" shift for the Football concession stand. A chore every sports parent has to do in fall season.  Both boys wanted to go to the football game anyway so it was a Win-Win. At least for us, not the Football team as someone had to lose.

Anyway my 15 year-old took off for his band friends which I am not cool enough for. (HA!) My 12 year-old, I was trying to keep some what of a leash on, considering. This is my child that had he been lost in the airport in England at age three would have found us before we could have found him. However, I was trying to be the parent somewhere between helicopter and free range.

I never say him all night. When I did find him it was time to bug out so he waved me over to a dark corner under the bleachers. I felt like I was meeting a drug dealer. Not that I have ever done that, at a football game. Anyway I told him I was headed to the car and that I needed him and his friend to head toward the car when the clock ran down to 2 minutes so that we could get out of there before it was a madhouse. He said OK that's fine. Just don't talk to me when I'm with my friends -we are hanging out by the ticket booth.

Excuse me?

"You know, just pretend you don;t know me when you leave, cause you have to walk by us and Z said you can be a real dork in front of his friends."

I stood there stunned under the freaking bleachers as he looked both ways before running away from me. LIKE I WAS THE DRUG DEALER. or worse, like I was his mom.

Now I am not so naive to think that I am the cool mom. In fact I have never aspired to be the cool mom. When I as in high school the cool mom's where the ones that stocked the garage fridge with beer or kept their pot in their nightstand. I AM not that mom. But being called a dork by band kids?

Am I in trouble??

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