Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Bless you Child

I have two teenage boys. 18 and 15 right now. There are not many moments that take my breathe away - in a good way. Trust me they take my breathe away on a daily basis!! It's more of the - Oh No You Didn't! Hold my breathe - Don't kill them. Kind of take my breath away.

But recently my youngest, who is my most hormonally challenged was standing on my last nerve as usual. So I stopped engaging in conversation and focused on making dinner.  He was "working on homework" at the kitchen table while I cooked. I cut myself, I screwed up the recipe, I had to go down the basement 4 times to get items I forgot. Finally I stood looking out the kitchen window silently crying. Between the constant arguing with my son, my mom's dementia, and my inability to get dinner on the table I was done.

My son just walked over and hugged me. If that wasn't enough he said, "It's ok Mom." It's not I sobbed, Nanna has Dementia, her mom had Dementia, I probably already have it because I can't even make dinner! That's when my snarky 15 year-old son said "Ok first of all you do not have Dementia yet but even if you do get it you have us Mom, and I promise to take care of you."

How do you stop crying after that? Well, with this child, quickly because not wanting to miss an opportunity to make a joke he adds, "Besides by the time you get Dementia I will be a Professional Soccer Player who makes so much money I can put you in a really nice home and hire help. It's alllllll good."

It was the thought that counted and the recording I got.

Sunday, December 19, 2021

I'll never make it on NPR

I realized to day as I was listening to The Splendid Table that I will never make it on NPR. When it was time to replace Lynne Rosetto Kasper who did they choose? Francis Lamb. Who hosts Science Friday? Ira Flatow. And there's Ira Glass, Lakshmi Singh, Sylvia Poggiolo....I do not have a cool enough name!! Depressing.

Maybe I should change my name - or get a really good alias?! Remember when Phoebe changed her name to Princess Consuela Banana Hammock? And Karen Walker would wipe our her alias in a heartbeat - Anastasia Beaverhausen. I'm not a Dude or a vampire slayer - but Buffy Lebowski has a unique ring. 

Some options have been ruined by popular culture. Once upon a time, the name Hermione would have gotten me a direct line into NPR. Not any more. Being named after a city or state is not longer one off either. There are Dakota's, Carolina's, Boston's, and Brooklyn's.

If I can't come up with the perfect unique name all of my dreams of NPR fame are doomed!

Is there NPR fame? Do any of you even know what I am talking about? Maybe my in at NPR is not my name but my angle. My unique voice! Sigh - like 50 year-old suburban soccer mom's are "unique". I'm doomed.

Well - if anyone has a suggestions I will take it. I don't have much left, but this dream. It's NPR or BUST.